Servings Homeowners Near Shawnee, KS

Radon Testing
Checking for radon is an important part of evaluating your home’s condition. It is one of those things that people can't see or smell so at times it isn’t taken seriously, and yet if a radon problem isn’t taken care of it can be a serious health concern. Fortunately, radon testing from ACM Home Inspection of Shawnee, KS is quick and easy. Elevated radon levels are a serious concern but can be corrected relatively easily and the staff at ACM Home Inspection will help you to determine your next steps. Installation of a mitigation system is relatively inexpensive but will allow you to rest easy knowing your home is a safe place for your family to live.
What is Radon?
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, just behind smoking. Radon is responsible for 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year, almost 3,000 of which are among people who have never even smoked. It is a naturally occurring gas that is colorless and odorless and comes from the breakdown of radioactive metals, such as radium, uranium, or thorium, in the soil and groundwater.
When radon is outside, radon gas is not an issue. It is naturally in the atmosphere and disperses rapidly. Outside, it is not generally a health risk, but when it is inside, breathing it in increases the risk of lung cancer. Radon can easily enter buildings through cracks and holes in the foundation. It is estimated that nearly 1 out of 15 homes has a radon level that is elevated, but the only way to find out if you have a problem with radon is to test for it.
It is very common to ask for a radon inspection along with a home inspection when you are buying a new home – but any home can have a radon problem, and both new and old houses should be tested. ACM Home Inspection can quickly perform a radon test, to ensure your family’s safety and give you peace of mind!
Schedule your Kansas City-area radon test. Call (913) 353-6869 today.
How Will ACM Home Inspection Test for Radon?
At ACM Home Inspection, we use a Continuous Radon Monitor (CRM) to measure Radon levels. This is simply a monitoring system that measures radon levels for at least 48 hours, hourly samples are taken over the 48 hour period and reported as an average. This test enables us to give our customers results that are fast and reliable. We charge a flat rate of $125, unless it is bundled with a home inspection - then it is only $100.
Is Radon a Problem in Kansas?
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), radon levels become unsafe when at or above 4 picocuries of radon per liter or air (pCi/L). The Kansas Radon Program constantly collects radon data throughout the state and has determined that the average residential radon level is 4.8 pCi/L. The Johnson County area is a hot spot for radon activity, with 45% of homes in Johnson County over the 4pCi/L safe level set by the EPA.
Is Radon a Problem in Kansas?
Your chances of getting lung cancer from radon depend on how much radon is in your home and how much is in the room where you spend most of your time; whether you have ever smoked or are a smoker now; and whether you burn wood or coal or any other substance in your home that might add particles to the indoor air.
If you are concerned about radon in your home, there are steps you can take to protect your family:
- Don’t smoke, and don’t let others smoke in your home. Smoking can increase the risk of lung cancer from radon.
- Seal any cracks in your walls or floors with a caulk made especially to help keep radon out. Another radon test should be done after you do this, to make sure you’ve fixed the problem.
- If you are having a home built, ask about radon-resistant construction techniques. It is much easier to have these features built into a new home than to add them to a home that is already standing.
However, if you have high levels of radon, you shouldn’t wait. You should call a professional to get rid of it. It may seem like radon would be next to impossible to do something about, but radon is not a reason to move out of your home or to pass on your dream home. The good news is that after testing is done, even if you have high levels of radon, there are ways this can be fixed so that it is safe to live in your home. Radon mitigation systems can be used to draw the radon up from the foundation of a home and out into the atmosphere. These systems can be used in homes of any type, and typically cost less than $1,000.
ACM Home Inspection is owned by Christian Amend, a military veteran with a background in engineering. He has been in the inspection business for over 10 years and has the experience homeowners need when it comes to an important test such as a radon test. He is dedicated to his customers and making sure that the job is done right and customers are satisfied. He wants to make sure that all of your questions about radon and your home are answered and he wants to be sure that you are educated enough to make well-informed decisions about any problems your home might have. ACM Home Inspection has been certified for radon inspections by The Midwest Universities Radon Consortium through Kansas State University.
Radon kills more people than DUI per year nationwide, but ACM Home Inspection can help to keep you and your family safe, with a radon test. A radon test is an important part of a home inspection for a new home, but it is also an important step to take for your home’s regular maintenance. Even if a home has a mitigation system installed it is important to make sure it is working properly, the EPA recommends the levels are still checked every 2 years. If it has been a while since your home has had a radon test, or if you want to make sure that your new home is safe before you put an offer in on it, call ACM Home Inspection to schedule your Kansas City-area radon test! Call (913) 353-6869 today.

Radon kills more people than DUI per year nationwide. Call us today to schedule your Kansas City-area radon test! Call (913) 353-6869 today.